17:30 Event starts, Opening remarks
17:50 11 Finalists’ pitches(6min each)
19:15 Awards ceremony, Closing remarks
20:00 Networking party
Planet Savers
Planet Savors developed a Direct Air Capture (DAC) system by combining zeolites with 10 times the conventional CO2 adsorption performance and a highly versatile CO2 recovery system, both are invented with the knowledge of Okubo and Iyoki research laboratory in Tokyo University.
Degas is promoting the generation of naturally derived carbon credits through regenerative (environmentally restorative) agriculture, which combines covered crops, biochar production, and afforestation, leveraging a network of 15,000 farmers in Africa, to create a carbon absorption and removal system.
Soilgenic Technologies
Soilgenic aims to get rid of 24% of GHG emissions from Nitrogen origin fertilizers by its high-efficient fertilizer, which can transform every Nitrogen origin fertilizer into less GHG emissions without drastically changing the production process or fertilization process for farmers.
Ac-Planta sells a vinegar-based biostimulant "Skiipon" that promotes production under high-temperature and dry stress conditions, and reduces the amount of fertilizer used by farmers. Its products can be applicable to a wide range of crops including vegetables, grains, and trees.
As a substitute of antibiotics or chemical substances, phage-base “Natural Bacteria Eater” improves safety and sustainability in the food supply chain.
Fermenstation upcycles unused biomass such as non-standard agricultural products and residue from food and beverage manufacturing processes into fermentation materials, which can be used as high-value and economically viable bioethanol and cosmetic raw materials, using the unique fermentation technology.
Friend Microbe
By using the high-performance microorganisms developed at Nagoya University, Friend Microbe can biodegrade oil and fat in wastewater that was conventionally separated through physical means.This technology reduces oily sludge and reduce GHG emissions generated by waste incineration in the food production process.
Kubik drastically reduces effects on GHG emissions in the construction industry by replacing plastic waste with novel low-carbon and low-cost materials.
GOYOH provides a decarbonization solution "EaSyGo" that optimizes economic and social impact from both the hard (building) and soft (operations and behavior) aspects of real estate, by collaborating with real estate owners and tenant users.
Eitoss provides a cloud-based service "Cayzen" that collects improvement proposals from employees in manufacturing industries (and other fields) from the bottom up, and support idea management and implementation of measures which aim for cost reduction, quality improvement, CO2 reduction, and energy conservation.
Sharing Energy
Sharing Energy provides "Share Denki" where the company support introducing solar power generation to customers at no initial cost by fully covering the purchase or lease cost that used to require millions of yen. Additionally, the company offers customers cheaper electricity rates.